OUR INSPIRATION- The name Well of GRACE Ministries was inspired by the story of the Samaritan woman who met Jesus and received grace at Jacob's Well, a meeting place in Samaria. Because she was wrapped in shame, she came in the heat of the day, knowing she would be alone. To her surprise, Jesus was waiting. Using Jesus' example, we meet girls and women where they are in their hurts and struggles.
"The water I give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life." - John 4:14
He knew her story before she even told him,
He knew about the lies,
He knew about the masks she wore,
He knew about the poor choices she made,
He knew her pain, before she even identified it herself.
He knew about her thirst.
Jesus offered her grace.
He offered her acceptance.
He did not focus on her sin, but offered her healing.
He offered to quench her thirst.
He offered her Himself.
It was there at Jacob's well that she met
Jesus and was changed forever.
Written by Flori Mejeur, Founding Board Member